Contact Info
Malik Sahraoui
Professor of mechanical engineering
Melik Sahraoui is an associate professor of mechanical engineering with research focus in heat and mass transfer in renewable energies. HE holds a BS Degree in mechanical engeering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and Msc and PHD from the university of Michigan - AnnArbor. He obtained his PhD degree from the university of Michigan Ann Arbor in 1991 which was followed by a Post-Doctorate at the same university until 1993. From 1994 to 2004, he worked as a senior thermal engineer in the field of electronics cooling of telecom equipment in both NORTEL/ALCATEL both in Ottawa Canada. Following this industrial experience, he joined the Tunisian university at the Tunis Engineering Preparatory School and adjunct professor at Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie (EPT) since 2004. His main research activities focus on heat and mass transfer related to renewable energies (PEM fuel cells, gasification, and solar updraft towers). He has been full time at EPT since 20011 where he teaches undergraduate courses in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and renewable energies.